What are reasons to filter air?
Air is essential for all living beings. A person can only survive for up to five minutes without it. While eating is a conscious activity, the vital intake of oxygen is automatic. We breathe in 12 to 18 times per minute. Pollution from production and medical processes contaminates the air with harmful substances. The body’s own filters, such as the cilia of the trachea and bronchial tubes as well as the lungs, can only break down a small proportion of the pollutants. These particles, such as metal dust or organic combustion products, which are barely visible and therefore often underestimated, increase the risk of serious illnesses such as lung cancer. Effective protection is therefore only possible with special filtering extraction systems, as conventional measures such as air conditioning or ventilation in polluted areas only stir up the particles in the air.
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Our solutions for

Particulate matter
Particulate matter is a mixture of solid and liquid micrometer-sized particles.

Dust & Swarf
Risk assessment of dusts is based on physical and biological-toxic properties.

Gases - Odors - Vapors
Gases and vapors cause air pollution and health hazards in the workplace.

Medical &
Medical treatments with lasers produce harmful laser smoke particles.